Saturday, May 18, 2013

Working away at my final project...

This is not my official Week 9 blog post, but rather a chance to get some feedback.

I've started on my final project, and I am considering using Go!Animate (Professor Tufts suggested this site for an Animation class I want the ES students to take during Activity time next year).

This is what I managed to create...Students will have limited time in the tech lab, so I think 90-120 seconds should be adequate time for a video as part of a collaborative effort.

Any comments from my classmates (or professor) at this stage of the lesson plan process would be appreciated.

Intro to Culture Week Project by byronprugh on GoAnimate


  1. Hi Bryon,

    I really like your idea. You mention creating a venn diagram. Try out educational oasis, they have a few interesting twists on the venn. I'm not sure what specific advice you'd like. It seems like you have touched on major aspects of culture, did you do food? I like that you connected to government. Tell me what you'd like specifically and I can help. Email me directly if you'd like.

  2. This is great. Here is another interactive venn diagram program through read write think that might work as well. Venn Diagram
